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What we think and believe.


Code of Conduct.

Read our Code of Conduct, clicking in PDF logo.

We were founded with ethical principles and standards of conduct, having integrity from the beginning as the main point of our operation.         Our reputation and credibility are the most important assets we have and the ethical principles that guide our actions contribute to the maintenance of this image. We make a non-negotiable commitment to operate with total integrity, honesty, transparency, commitment and quality in all businesses.



Conduct of Members

Work Environment


of nature

CS BRASIL expects from its members, in the performance of their duties, an honest and dignified conduct, in accordance with the laws and ethical standards of society. It is the obligation of every member to know, understand and practice the provisions of our Code of Conduct. Members will also be responsible for preserving the name and image of CS BRASIL.

CS BRASIL expects, in the relations among its members, the cordiality in the deal, the trust, the

respect, dignified and honest conduct, regardless of any hierarchical position, position or


It will be up to each member of CS BRASIL to guarantee to others a work environment free of

innuendo or restriction of any kind, avoiding possible embarrassment.

The balance of the environment and the preservation of nature are of fundamental importance for the

CS BRASIL business activity. We are committed to preserving resources

social inclusion and sustainable growth. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each

contribute to the conservation and improvement of the environment and its ecosystems.

Business Relations

CS BRASIL expects its members to conduct business relations in compliance with the laws,

market practices and, in particular, national and international economies.

CS BRASIL Members are expressly forbidden to make any payment

improper, doubtful or illegal, or favor, by granting undue benefits outside

usual practices of commerce, customers, suppliers, and competitors, to the detriment of others; good

how to make such payments or grant privileges or advantages to civil servants or

equivalent, either directly or by third parties.

Customer Relations

Satisfying the customer is the foundation of CS BRASIL's existence. Therefore, it is the basic principle of action.

CS BRASIL corporate service to the customer, with emphasis on quality, productivity, and

innovation, with social, community and environmental responsibility, and with full respect for

regulations of each region.

Customers should be served courteously and efficiently and provided with the information

clear, precise and transparent. The client should get even negative answers to their

appropriate and on time.

Relationship with Suppliers

Relations with suppliers must be lasting, without prejudice to the principles of free enterprise and

fair competition.

The choice and hiring of suppliers should always be based on technical criteria,

professional and ethical; CS BRAZIL needs are met.

They should be conducted through predetermined objective processes such as competitive

or price quotes, which ensure the best value for money.

Mission, Vision E Values.

Contribute with our customers in the development and supply of electrical cables and harnesses, with state-of-the-art technology, high productivity, shorter term, respecting the environment and always generating business opportunities.

We are a reference in the segment of wires harnesses, through high quality products, exceeding the established standards of development excellence and reliability.

ETHICS: We make the non-negotiable commitment to operate with total integrity, honesty, transparency, commitment and quality in all businesses.


CUSTOMER FOCUS: Our existence is justified to the extent that we are able to gain the trust and respect of our customers.


PARTNERSHIP: We value our partners: employees and suppliers, so that we have the best results.


SUSTAINABILITY: We are committed to preserving natural resources, social inclusion and sustainable growth.


TEAMWORK: We value the work in an orderly, standardized, judicious and joint way, resulting in the quality of our products.


EXCELLENCE: We identify and apply best practices in all activities, constantly seeking innovation and excellence; our motto is to do well the first time, every time.

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